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Second Grade

Welcome to Second Grade!

Welcome to 2nd Grade.


There is always a lot happening in 2nd grade!!!

Literacy:  Literacy instruction integrates reading, writing, spelling, grammar, handwriting and speaking through the Reading Street curriculum series.  Students participate in whole group readings of anthologies; small group guided reading and center opportunities as well as differentiated instruction with a focus on Reciprocal Teaching comprehension strategies.  The writing process is used as students plan/ research, edit and publish their work.   

Mathematics:  Math skills are taught through a standards-based approach.  We utilize the Math Expressions curriculum and other resources and manipulatives to teach the concepts of number sense and place value, addition and subtraction, algebraic-type equations, problem-solving, patterning and sequencing, geometry skills, measurement, time, money, and data analysis. Students are flexibly grouped with each new set of skills based on their knowledge of the concepts being taught.

Science:  Our science units include weather, force and motion and plants. Students will participate in hands-on activities to better understand these topics.

Health:  Our health curriculum includes personal health and safety and comes from  We also use GoNoodle as a great brain break/ exercise resource. 

Art and technology are integrated into all content areas. Students meet with a media specialist for 30 minutes once a week and a music specialist for 30 minutes twice a week and enjoy physical education for 30 minutes 2-3 times per week.

Social Studies:  Our social studies themes relate to people and places around us.  We discuss what makes a community, specifically the Wyoming/ Forest Lake area community, mapping, environment, and global awareness. Students learn about traditions around the world with a focus of the past and now.


Mrs. Krause


Jordan Roy

Mrs. Roy