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First Grade

1st grade SPIRIT BUS


First Grade


Welcome to First Grade!


First grade is a time of great growth, both academically and socially. The first grade curriculum provides focused instruction with ongoing opportunities for differentiation.  Our first grade team is excited to work with your child to help him/her become a lifelong learner. 

  • Literacy:
    Literacy consist of reading, writing, and oral launguage. Using the Pearson Scott Foresman Reading Street Series, students build on their kindergarten reading skills by focusing on phonics and comprehension strategies, as well as learning over 150 high frequency words.  In addition to comprehension, emphasis is placed on reading fluency and expression.  Writing is also a large part of the first grade student's day.

  • Mathematics:
    Students learn a variety of different math skills in first grade. Problem solving, measuring, time, money, and patterns are just a few of the skills to which students will be exposed through the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Math Expressions curriculum. 

  • Science:
    First grade students will begin the year learning about the life cycle of butterflies.  During the winter, time will be spent researching different animal habitats.  In the spring students will learn about erosion during a study of rocks and minerals.  

  • Social Studies:
    Throughout the year students will be exploring the theme "Families and Friends".  They will learn about getting along with others and caring for the world around them.  

Art and technology are integrated into all areas of the curriculum. Students meet with a media specialist for 30 minutes once a week. They also meet with a music specialist and a physical education specialist for 30 minutes twice a week.  


Mrs. Brown

Mrs. Brown

Mrs. Edwards

Mrs. Edwards

Mrs. Maciej

 Mrs. Maciej