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Fifth Grade

Welcome to Fifth Grade!

PEAK Winners

Communications:  The 5th grade reading anthology, Pearson Scott Foresman Reading Street, consists of a variety of fiction and non fiction reading selections.  Included in our weekly readings are the spelling words and grammar activities. Each theme also includes a Reading-Writing Workshop and leveled readers.  Throughout the school year we enhance our curriculum by assigning a variety of book projects and novel studies.

Mathematics:  Our district's curriculum is Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's Math Expressions.  This program provides students with a daily workbook for classroom lessons, follow-up practice, and an online resource for parents and students.  We also incorporate daily word problems and technology to enhance students' mathematical skills. 

Social Studies:  Fifth graders study American History from Native Americans through the Civil War. Students enjoy researching famous explorers and creating dodecahedrons. 

Science/Health:  Topics we study in 5th grade are: 

  • Earth's Changing Surface
  • Ecosystems
  • Forces in Motion
  • PEAK- Police Educating Area Kids 
  • The Human Story

We incorporate a variety of extra activities that supplement the above topics. 

Art and Technology are integrated into all areas of the curriculum.  Students meet with a media specialist for 30 minutes weekly.  They also see a music and physical education specialist for 60 minutes each week.  

We have a wonderful partnership with the First State Bank of Wyoming!  They support our classroom on a weekly basis helping students to better understand the banking process in our classroom Government program. 


Mrs. Kinder

 Mrs. Kinder  

Mr. Kolden

Mr. Kolden

Mrs. Pulczinski

Mrs. Pulczinski